Many people see massage as a luxury treatment; as a form of relaxation. However, massage therapy is a treatment that can provide you with many health benefits. As your sports medicine specialists at Metatherapy, we offer massage therapy as a way to help increase range of motion of the joints and reduce muscle aches and pains.
What is massage therapy?
Massages are the act of pressing, rubbing, and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. The ranges of these movements could go from light stroking to deep pressure, it just depends on the different types of massage an individual could receive.
There are specific massages for different types of treatment. For example, if an individual wants to work around an area of injury on the body, the type of massage they would look for would be a trigger point massage. In this type of massage, the practitioner works around areas where muscle fibers tend to become tighter, which can be formed around the area of injury.
Massage and the Musculoskeletal System
One of the main benefits of massage therapy are the changes in the functioning of the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments are instantly noticeable. Range of motion of the joints is optimized and muscle aches and pains are reduced, if not eliminated. With purposeful manipulation of the vertebra and corrections in the natural movements of the body, you will gain absolute benefits from improved posture.
Patients with sports injuries, soft tissue injuries, temporomandibular joint disorders, strains, fibromyalgia, headaches, strains, and myofascial pain among others can greatly benefit from massage.
Other ways that a massage can benefit your health include:
Stress reducing
Pain relief as well as reduction of muscle soreness and tension
Increased relaxation
Improves circulation, energy as well as alertness
Lowers heart rate and blood pressure
Improvements of immune functions
Digestive disorders
Insomnia related to stress
Low back pain
Myofascial pain syndrome
Nerve pain
Soft tissue strains or injuries
Sports injuries
Temporomandibular joint pain
Upper back and neck pain
With its many benefits, some individuals may also find massages enjoying and can produce comfort and relaxation. Despite the benefits, regular medical care is still very important. All in all, massage therapy can provide individuals with multiple benefits that can help assist their rehab.

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